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Play Hooky with Hoosier: Whiskey, Tech, and a Surprise Santa!

Play Hooky with Hoosier

When you think of a corporate event, what comes to mind? Dry presentations? Stiff networking sessions? Well, Hoosier Security is here to change that perception. Our recent Play Hooky with Hoosier event was not your typical business gathering—it was a rollicking good time filled with the spirit of innovation, camaraderie, and yes, whiskey!

Innovation on the Rocks

The stage for this lively event? West Fork Whiskey, an establishment known for its exceptional spirits. But the star of the show wasn’t just the golden liquid in our glasses—it was Open Path’s touchless mobile credentials.

As attendees sipped on their drinks, they got a taste of this cutting-edge technology that’s set to transform the world of access control. It was a unique opportunity to witness firsthand how Open Path’s touchless mobile credentials work, offering a seamless and secure solution for businesses of all sizes.

Whiskey for Santa

Now, what’s a Hoosier event without a dash of fun? Our very own Armando took this to heart, making a surprise appearance as none other than Santa Claus himself! His festive getup added a delightful dose of holiday cheer and had everyone in high spirits—pun intended.

A Barrel of Fun

At Hoosier Security, we believe that the best kind of knowledge is the kind you can sip. So, as a parting gift, each attendee was handed a bottle of West Fork Whiskey from our annual barrel pick. It was our way of saying “thanks for joining us” and ensuring that the spirit of the event lived on even after the last toast was made.

All in all, our Play Hooky with Hoosier event was a resounding success. We managed to blend business with pleasure, showcasing exciting new technology while fostering a fun, relaxed atmosphere. And if you missed out this time, don’t fret—there’s always next year. And who knows? Santa might just make another appearance!

We can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

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