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360° Video Surveillance

Giving you unprecedented views

One of the latest technologies Hoosier Security is putting to use is 360° video surveillance cameras. These cameras provide panoramic views indoors and outdoors and are suited for vast expanses such as transportation hubs, warehouse distribution centers, parking lots, stadiums and other large acreage areas.

The advantages of these cameras is that they cover a larger area with a single unit as opposed to deploying multiple, traditional field-of-view cameras. They also provide high-resolution images and consistent sharpness throughout and even to the very outer edges of the captured surveillance scene or area, so positive identification and other visual data can be compiled effectively. Another bonus? Many of the 360° units on the market also include on-board video analytics to gather additional data and business intelligence, with common features that include heat mapping, object removal, and people counting.

Larger area, fewer cameras

Because fewer 360 °cameras can be deployed, your total cost of ownership will be less, and you’ll also be the beneficiary of lower maintenance and server costs. In some instances, depending on the specification and the environment, we may be able to reduce the number of conventional high-definition cameras by almost half due to the ultra-wide coverage and high resolutions of 360° units, significantly reducing costs by as much as 50 percent.

These cameras provide additional options to our customers, so we can continue to fine-tune and tailor the integrated security solution to best meet the needs of your business or facility. In transportation facilities and hubs, including airports, stations, and terminals, cameras track overall operations, on-time performance and other critical management parameters. In warehouses, 360° cameras track production and other distribution processing procedures. In public safety, such as city surveillance, intersections, and parking areas, they can provide extra eyes on the furthest reaches of the facility. In industrial applications such as ports and utility plants, 360° degree cameras watch processes and ascertain that rules, regulations, and compliance protocols are followed.

Hoosier Security offers a wide range of video surveillance cameras and only specifies the technology that’s best suited for your business and operations. Contact us today for a free, comprehensive security site survey and consultation.

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